The foundation “SHREYAS MEDICARE” is dedicated to providing top-quality healthcare services with a strong emphasis on care and commitment, which are considered to be the very essence of life. Their ultimate mission is to cure and care, and they are always working tirelessly to improve the lives of their patients and promote good health.

To achieve this mission, the foundation places patient-centered care at the forefront of everything they do. Their approach is based on their expertise, cutting-edge technology, and core values, including honesty, fairness, respect for the individual, and transparency. By adhering to these values, the foundation is able to establish a culture of trust and excellence, which is reflected in their services.

Furthermore, the foundation understands that healthcare is not limited to the services they provide within their facilities, and so they strive to reach out to the community to support programs that further advance healthcare and medicine. By doing so, they are demonstrating their unwavering commitment to improving the health and well-being of people in the community. Through their actions, they are actively contributing towards creating a healthier society.

In summary, the foundation’s patient-centered approach is grounded in a philosophy that prioritizes care and commitment, supported by core values, expertise, and technology. Their focus on community outreach further reinforces their commitment to creating a healthier society by supporting programs that advance healthcare and medicine. By working tirelessly towards their mission to cure and care, the foundation is making a significant contribution towards improving the lives of people in the community.

Our Vision

To provide quality healthcare at affordable

Our Mission

To excel in the field of healthcare and research
for the benefit of humanity

Our Motto


Janseva Hospital - Shreyas Medicare

SHREYAS MEDICARE is dedicated to providing top-quality healthcare services with a strong emphasis on care and commitment, which are considered to be the very essence of life. Their ultimate mission is to cure and care, and they are always working tirelessly to improve the lives of their patients and promote good health.









Trustees of Janseeva Hospital - Shreyas Medicare

Dr. Lokesh Thakkar
Dr. Bhoomi Patel
Dr. Ashish patel
Dr. Siddharth Patel
Dr. Bhavika Chauhan
Dr. Harsha Shah

Top Management of Janseva Hospital - Shreyas Medicare

Dr. Lokesh Thakkar
Dr. Bhoomi Patel
Dr. Ashish patel